Sunday 15 February 2015

My Photo a Day, February 2015, Week Seven

My Photo a Day Challenge February Week Seven
The prompt of the day is in red, the photo and description
are my take on the prompt!

9 February
Today's energy about one horsepower... or more like one pony power between two adults and 
two teenagers all with the flu. 

 10 February
My girls, they are beautiful, resilient, adventurous and kind. They inspire me to be a 
better person, a good role model.

 11 February
On the Wall
Ready to saddle up and ride in the forest.

 12 February
Been a busy day, on the go since 0630am. This pointy utensil will be put to use 
at dinner tonight I feel.

 13 February
The temptation to jump on this train and wake up in Paris on Valentine's Day. 
sadly my husband was home sick though my girls, who I was with would have jumped at the chance!

 14 February
If someone told me in 2006, a chance encounter would have me meeting up with my long lost love, 
he would marry me and promise my girls to look after them always. We would all go and live in China, England and now Germany I would have laughed my head off.
We have a love story that fairy tales are made of. Happy Valentine's Day.

15 February
Fasching, Wiesbaden, Germany 2015
Some spotty cows at the Fasching parade in Wiesbaden, Germany.

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